It’s funny. Snowflake internally (and even more externally) take great efforts to hide the details. However, in doing so I find it harder to determine best practices.

Much of what you’ve written here is applicable to Snowflake under the hood - which is not surprising as the top tier computing research is a very small pool of incredibly intelligent people.

As Magamet said. Another great article. Thanks for sharing.

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Hey, were you able to use hidden partitioning on object storage like S3? I tried it, but I had to explicitly include the 'modified' column in the query for the partitioning to work correctly. Other permutations I tried didn't seem to work.


CREATE TABLE device_data_modelling.test


format = 'PARQUET',

location = 's3://...,

table_type = 'ICEBERG',

partitioning = ARRAY['partition_date'],



I have to pass the partition_date in the select for this to recognise as the valid partitioning col

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Thanks for the article. How can I explicitly choose whether it will be positional or equality delete files created?

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